The Cast
    This is where you can find up-to-the-minute (hah!) info about all of the players in Josie's life. This includes, but is not limited to her fiancé, cats, friends, family, and strangers on the streets. It may also include bosses, co-workers (present and past). No harm or slander is intended and frankly, if I were going to talk trash about someone and publish it, I would change their name to protect the innocent...make that to protect the wicked.

Immediate Family
Pookie: Also known as Pook and Christopher. He is my fiancé and a pretty spiffy guy. Love him, love him, love him. Currently, without a website. He is supposed to be co-writing He Said, She Said but so far, he hasn't :P. He loves Civ 3 and basically all strategy games as well as RPGs (but he's 'Old School' and I am a 'Graphics Whore'). What else about him is relevant? He loves Hamburger Helpers, the Oakland A's, and me. He's from Ohio, lived in Texas, and rode a Greyhound bus for two days just to be with me. Awww...

Mom: Also known as Mumsy, Miss Judy. She is my *gasp* Mother. Pook and I are living with her while we get back on our feet. She is the greatest mom in the world and I adore her. Somehow, she always comes out on top despite having a rocky life. After her first husband and son died (drowning accident), she remarried and had my sister and I. Then, in 1997 she buried a second husband (my dad). Still, she keeps smiling. I don't know how she does it, but Mom, you are my hero!

Evie: Also known as Ebi-san (my pseudo-Japanese nickname for her), E-dogg, Pearly. Evie is my little sister. She's a talk-aholic, is glued to her cell-phone and is pretty/popular/all the things I never was. I'm serious, she got all the looks in our family! She's got some strange friends, and a lot of my crazy days were spent hanging out with them. Yes, I mooched friends off my sister. Sue me :P

Dad: Also known as Geno Beano (don't ask), Modest, Daddy. My Father. I loved him; we were very close during the last six months of his life. He was an alcoholic, a smoker, and he yelled like all Hells. Still, I learned a lot from him (like the Aliens/Ape scenario and how someone could theorically be arrested for drunk driving while riding a tractor/mower after consuming cold syrup). He died on the day after his 50th Birthday on May 24, 1997. I never thought I could survive without him, but I have. And I know, despite some stupid choices, he'd be proud of me.

Grandpa: Grandpa is the only surviving grandparent I have left and he wishes he were dead. No really, he calls a million times a day and half the time tells Mom that he's tired of living. Its depressing. He'll be 80 this August and I guess the years are wearing on him. But he always used to give us kids ice cream from the Schwann man and the first time I saw a pornographic image was when Tim and I were sneaking around in his basement (he had a modest Playboy-style calendar up with Miss July - even though it was September :P).

Tim: Also known as HP, Happy Potato, and Timothy. He is my best friend...and techincally could have gone under family because he's my cousin (Mom's Brother's son). We used to live together in Thorp. I am his Walk-Thru Queen when we play games and its because of him I became known as a 'Fag Hag' (thanks Travis and Amy :P). Its become a tradition, to watch Queer As Folk together every Sunday night! Tim and I have so much in common, its impossible to fit all here. Suffice it to say, I adore Tim. And I'm proud to be Queer By Association ;) lol.

Jym: Jym is Tim's boyfriend and though I've only known him as long as they've been together (3 years now! Wow) I adore him. Not only is he a fantastic stylist (he actually got my hair to look good), and a fabulous chef, but he is also a Civic Leader here in E-burg. Jym is probably the coolest, more sophisticated guy I've ever met. I don't think there could possibly be any man more 'Cosmopolitan' than Jym.

Sheri: Sheri and I met in High School through Keri; so we've been friends for like seven years now. Although she did do a bad thing once (*grumble*), we do have to move on in life, and I'm glad we're still friends. Her life is crazy right now, but she always finds time to e-mail me.

Keri: Keri and I met when Mrs. O'Leary made me sit next to her in Second Grade. We've been friends ever since. Since she got together with her boyfriend (several years now, ack!) we haven't been as close. Mostly because, I don't like him...but c'est la vie. She's a big anime fan, and our love of Sailor Moon is something we can always waste time talking about. She's a college student here in Eburg and uh, that's about it :)

Lenora & DJ: Lenora and I used to be room-mates and best friends. DJ is her husband. I adore them both, and am really hoping to get closer to them again. Time heals all wounds, right? Oh, and they have a beautiful little girl called Roxanna.

Shannon Roe: Shannon Roe is another old buddy from High School. She is getting married in June (I just received the invite!) and I am so excited for her.

Travis: Travis was one of my best friends and favorite people. He and Amy came up to stay with Tim and I. Late in October 2001, he committed suicide. I miss him.

Amy: Travis' best friend/fag hag. She's a funny chica living in Portland with lots of cats.

The Beasts
Juno: Juno-Felicity is my beautiful, fluffy, calico kitty. She was adopted while I lived with Tim, back in 1998. She is dainty and lady-like; except when she's harassing the other kitties, then she's just a bitch. Like me ;) Her nickname is Stinky because when she was a tiny kitten she had a stomach problem that caused her to fart constantly.

Zeus: Zeus is a long-haired, black menace who loves to 'sing'. That singing voice also earned him the nickname, Whine-akis. He's a long, tall tom-cat and after all the months stuck inside (while we lived in Spokane) he now relishes his time outside. Pook picked him out of a litter in front of the local Fred Meyer. I knew Miss Judy would freak when we brought him home, but Pook just looked so adorable ... I couldn't say no.

Bonnie: She's a crotchey old cat. Mom and Dad adopted her (she was a stray) back in September of 1988 and she's been really healthy, if mean. Bonnie is a man's cat, always has been, and in the time between Uncle Connie (who lived with us) and when Pook moved in, she went a bit batty without a guy to curl up with.

Cannibis: My sister's cat. Ev had a crush on a 'bad-boy' (the naughty older brother of her friend Cora) and when he named the kitten Cannibis (because she's cross-eyed and looked stoned), she insisted on keeping the name. Nabbis (as we call her) is very strange...and even more so since she got caught in Mom's truck!

Keiko: Our dog. She's an old mutt (only 8, but the eldest surviving member of her short-lived family...we also had her sister, Reika, who died at age 5), but we love her. Pook calls her Leaky because she has a leaky bladder problem (common in old dogs, we've discovered).

Bitches and Bastards
'The Bastard': A former boyfriend. He broke my heart several times before finally calling me a child and abandoning me forever. Sometimes I miss talking to him (he was a really intelligent guy), but mostly I'm glad he did what he did because it led me to Christopher.

Arlene & Gary: Owners of the chain I used to work for. Complete and pure evil. Yelled at me (for no reason) in front of customers. Slandered me to the new manager (I transferred stores) and accused me of 'falling asleep in my car while I was supposed to be working'. Yeah fucking right. As if they would have kept me on as Second Assistant Manager if they really, honestly believed that bullshit. I hate Gary and Arlene. Plus, they still owe me my final paycheck.

Working Stiffs
Emmett: My old Dollar Store boss. He's a kind, nerdy ol' guy (who doesn't look over 45, but was 65!). Recently I heard he transferred to a Portland area Dollar Store chain...oddly enough, I applied at that same store when Pook and I were considering relocating to Portland/Salem.

Paula: The former Assistant, now Manager of the Eburg Dollar Store. She's a really nice woman; and had lots of life experience to share with me. Frankly, she's one of my favorite co-workers/bosses ever.

Kathy & Karen: My first bosses. They still (yes, 7 years later) work at the Kitchen Collection where I had my first 'real' job. Kathy taught me so much about Customer Service and her cracking the whip made me a better employee. Karen was just crazy, funny, and amazing. I miss them too!

Judy: My trainer at Dakotah. She was the funniest lady I've ever met. I wish we had met under different circumstances because I think she would have been a great friend. Sadly, she transferred from Dakotah and I moved back to E-burg. Damn.

Wade: The guy at Super 1; he interviewed me twice, told me there wasn't a job for me at the moment but that I was a top contender and they really liked me, then called back a couple weeks later and gave me a job. Yay.

Ange: My immediate boss at Super 1, the manager of the Deli/Pizza Company. She can be the nicest person, or a bitch on wheels, depending on the day/situation. Mostly, I dig her. She's crazy. She's also pretty understanding about stuff that comes up.

Dawn: After Kira quit, Dawn from Front End, came to the Deli to be trained as the next Deli Manager. She's funny as heck, especially when she and Rachel get to talking about various adult subjects!

Emily: Emily could be my best friend, I think. Or a new one. She and I have tons in common, not to mention our wayward men, lol. She's always got a smile, despite dealing with never being able to have children and a looming bone marrow transplant. She's always begging me to rejoin the Cam, but... eh :)

Um...once I make some more web-friends and et cetera, they'll go here.