100 Things
100 Things
1. My name is Josie.
2. Josie is short for Josephine.
3. Josephine was my maternal grandmother's name.
4. Marie was my paternal grandmother's middle name.
5. Marie is my middle name too.
6. My dad wanted to name me Modest Jerome if I was a boy.
7. Thank goodness I was born a girl.
8. He also told my friend and I that Aliens might have mated with the Apes to kick start Evolution.
9. I miss my Dad. He died on May 24, 1997.
10. That was the day after his 50th Birthday.
11. I have two cats.
12. Juno Felicity is the oldest one. Zeus (aka Whine-akus) is the new one.
13. Pookie picked Zeus out of a litter in front of the Fred Meyer.
14. Pookie is my nickname for Christopher Radcliff, my fiancé.
15. He asked me to marry him on May 17, 2002 at the Pilot Gas-Station.
16. It was more romantic than it sounds - the Pilot is where we first met in person because it is the Greyhound bus station as well!
17. I was a virgin until April 10, 2002 (yes, I was nearly 22).
18. April 10, 2002 is also the day Christopher arrived in Eburg and moved in with me.
19. It was a good day. *wink*
20. My first kiss was from an Army guy named Anthony when I was 19. Sad, eh?
21. I love The Golden Girls and Iron Chef.
22. Sophia is my favorite GG Character, but Chen Kenichi is my favorite Iron Chef.
23. I used to have naturally curly, bright-red hair.
24. Then puberty hit and it turned dark auburn and more 'wavy' than curly. Damn it.
25. Pook and I are planning on having a family someday. He wants two kids, I want three.
26. I love to write fiction.
27. I also love to write HTML code and do all my sites by hand.
28. I learned to write HTML/CSS/etc by 'viewing source' and experimenting.
29. When I was four, I wrote my first book. It was four pages of random words I learned from "The Little Bear's Christmas" book, was about My Little Ponies, and was illustrated (badly).
30. I have one sibling. Her name is Evie and she's 21.
31. I love road-trips. Pook and I spent most of our eight months together, driving whenever and wherever we could.
32. My favorite author is Melanie Rawn.
33. Although I love her Dragon Prince/Star series, I think the unfinished Exhiles Series is even better.
34. When I write, I love lots of characters.
35. Cheetos are my personal Ambroisia.
36. I know I spelled Ambroisia wrong.
37. My other favorite food is Cheesecake.
38. I love Pookie more than Cheetos!
39. I used to weigh 311 lbs.
40. I hope to weigh 130 in the near future.
41. Bitch, by Meredith Brooks, was my theme song in High School.
42. Because I am a bitch.
43. Amanda Marshall is my favorite songstress, but I listen to all sorts of music.
44. My best friend is Tim Fields.
45. He is also known as Happy Potato.
46. Happy Potato is the counterpart of Sweet Tangerine (aka me).
47. We used to have a third - Sassy Beansprout. But she got married, had a baby, and won't talk to me anymore.
48. I met Pook while playing "Shimlar" on November 17th, 2001.
49. My Shimlar character was "Shalisa Whiteoak" his was "Procifica".
50. Shalisa was also my nickname in RWK, which he also played, though on the other server.
51. Shalisa is also one of the main characters in my latest novel "Madaya".
52. I have more email addresses than anyone I know.
53. One of them is "mostlikelytosellherbodyforcrack@yahoo.com"
54. No really, it is. Email me there if you want!
55. I want to buy my own domain this summer. Either sillypinkhat.com or asyetunknown.com.
56. I love video games.
57. Especially RPGs.
58. When I lived with Tim, we spent one entire week playing video games. Seven days straight, stopping only to sleep, eat, and use the restroom.
59. We also downloaded the opening to FF8 on our slow dial-up modem. Waited hours and hours, and then giggled maniacally when we finally got to view the whole ecstasy-inducing file!
60. Pook says I snore.
61. He's probably right.
62. I love to watch Queer As Folk.
63. Pook has brown hair and brown eyes and he hates it when I say they're dark. To quote him, "They are PLAIN brown! Not dark brown, not light brown, not anything. Just plain brown!"
64. My favorite character is Emmett.
65. Even though my former boss was named Emmett.
66. I worked for over a year at the local Dollar Store.
67. I was also did inbound sales calls for a major mid-western Telecom company.
68. My title was Customer Service Agent. But I was basically a telemarketer.
69. I hate telemarketers.
70. I also hate spam and pop-ups (pop unders).
71. I especially HATE loud, stupid flash ads that appear on various pages to interrupt my reading/surfing.
72. Half of the people who use Civ 3 Fanatics Forums refuse to see the movie "The Core" because of one of those loud, obnoxious flash ads.
73. I used to watch Pro-Wrestling. Then I grew up.
74. I have a Playstation 2 and have not yet bought a game for it.
75. I do, however, own three (Christmas gift, Birthday gift, Christmas gift)
76. On the other hand, I gave my Playstation to my little sister. I owned 30 games for that system.
77. Evie and I grew up playing the Atari 2600.
78. My favorite game was Strawberry Shortcake.
79. Tim and I used to play "Frantic Freddy" on his Commodore 64 all the time.
80. We also played "Maniac Mansion" together. Nurse Edna actually scared me.
81. Hey! Don't laugh, I was only like 7.
82. My favorite movie is one of many.
83. My least favorite movie is the 1998 version of Les Miserablés.
84. Am I done yet?
85. Pookie's nickname for me is Angel.
86. Our song is "I Could Not Ask For More".
87. He likes the Sara Evans version, but I like Edwin McCain's.
88. Once, late at night, on the phone long distance, he sung it to me and made me cry.
89. No wonder I love him!
90. He also went down to a payphone with a pocketful of change to call me from Texas, because the phone company fucked up the line when they moved into the new apartment.
91. Pook is from Akron, Ohio.
92. I was born in Seattle, Washington.
93. We currently live in Ellensburg, Washington, though we lived in Spokane for four or so months.
94. We hated it.
95. My mother is my hero. She's buried two husbands, her son, worked to support both her daughters, was always there when we needed her, and even allowed Christopher (a complete stranger) to get on a bus and move into the house she and I were sharing.
96. I collect stuffed cows. I also have a collection of Sailor Moon merchandise.
97. My favorite subject in college is/was Japanese.
98. I am an English major.
99. I plan on becoming a High School Teacher after I graduate
100. I am crazy.

Wow! That was harder than I thought!
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